Workshops that increase Results.


SHIFT Method for Success

Mindfulness in the Workplace

Life Planning

Goal Setting


Achieve more personal growth, fulfillment & balance in your business & life.


In-Person or Virtual Workshops & Trainings

All workshops listed below can also be offered virtually.

They can be fully customized and offered as 2-hour, half-day or full day trainings.

Mindfulness in the Workplace  

Mindfulness is a mindset and a way of life that influences everything we do and the way we look at the world. Providing mindfulness training for employees offers key benefits:

  • Staff’s well-being  Providing staff with a working environment that promotes health and well-being creates an enjoyable workplace and reduces turnover.
  • Better social relationships  The practice of mindfulness helps people develop a greater sense of empathy and of compassion towards themselves and others. The result - less conflict and constructive communication.
  • Improved ability to focus  As mindfulness revolves around focus and attention, practicing mindfulness can improve focus on the task at hand.
  • Increased resilience  Mindfulness improves resilience. People feel more in control of their thoughts and emotions and put things into perspective without getting unduly stressed.
  • Improved task performance Improved focus allows staff work in a flow state while performing tasks, improving productivity without increasing stress.
  • Increased creativity Staff who are more relaxed and focused can more easily allow their creativity to flow.

The course is designed to last two hours. Staff who have little time available for training can attend, gain valuable insights and activities they can carry out immediately as part of their daily routine.

It can be extended to a full day or combined with any other course for a full day workshop.

Employee Engagement and Motivation

Engaged employees have high levels of commitment to a company and tend to experience high levels of job satisfaction. The benefits for a company include:

  • Higher productivity
  • Better customer experience
  • Lower staff turnover
  • Better performance
  • More workplace innovation
  • Lower absence rate
  • Happier and healthier staff
  • Increased profit

Employee motivation is different from engagement. Motivation is the reason why you do something, it is what pushes you to act. Engagement instead is how you do something, with how much focus, vigor, and energy.

While different, motivation and engagement go hand-in-hand. An engaged employee is a motivated employee.

This workshop is designed to help managers become adept at motivating, listening, communicating and understanding how to engage their employees.

The course is designed to last two hours, so even staff who have little time available for training can attend and still get some useful advice on activities that they can carry out immediately as part of their daily routine.

It can be extended to a full day or combined with any other course for a full day workshop.

Life Planning and Goal Setting

Many of us feel overwhelmed at some point in life and in need of re-focusing, in order to get our life back on track and pursue what we really want.

It is very easy to let your life pass by and never find the time or mental clarity to really assess what is important to you.

This goal-setting workshop helps participants gain clarity and understand how to plan for their future.

It provides a foundation and guidance to refocus, reignite, create and implement a strategic life plan.

Individuals who will benefit from this life plan goal-setting workshop include:

  • Individuals who are looking to reassess their priorities in life and are maybe looking to change their career path.
  • The business owner who must manage their time and resources better.
  • Employees, at every level, who need to find a better work-life balance.
  • An HR department Tasked with reducing stress and low productivity at work.

The course is a one-day highly interactive workshop. Participants will be involved in a number of activities that will enable them to clarify their goals, create their own life plan and the action steps to achieve it.

It can be offered as full day or divided into 2 hour sessions over 4 days.

Customized Trainings

As a business owner, professional speaker and former sales trainer Kim can customize trainings to meet your groups needs.